English: My dream experiment / "out-of-the-body" encounters

My dream "experiment"


I was a bit battered by a bad cold and needed a lot of rest. Therefore, the usual nap went a little longer than planned.

I was reclining in the living room and must have fallen into deep sleep, because instead of feeling fit-to-go after about 20 to 30 minutes I was more tired than before and simply continued to sleep. (At some point during my school days – more than 30 years ago - I had learned that this is caused by the hormone somatropin that gets released when you go into deep sleep.) Anyway, I felt kind of drowsy. No, to be precise, I felt very relaxed and drowsy, but I hadn´t taken anything, no medication or sleeping herbs and certainly no alcohol, not even cough syrup.

I don´t know how I came up with the idea to start an experiment and see what happens when you sleep and dream. It was spontaneous.
I was sleeping on my back and dreamed that I was physically moving. Intentionally lifting up my arms, turning to the side… then I wanted to know, whether I had really moved or not. So, I forced myself to open my eyes. I was lying exactly as I had before. Immediately I fell asleep again (I didn’t notice the transition, it was like falling in and out of sleep in a very short time, without realizing it.)

I must say that I am a Christian and a few days ago I had prayed to hear and see more of the invisible world, feel God´s presence and to be closer to Jesus. So, I was pleased when, after falling asleep again, something happened. At first, I “saw” the usual image of sky and clouds in front of the window (without realizing I had fallen asleep and in that state can´t really “see” the sky with my physical eyes). Then an unearthly bright light started in the center of the window (like an additional window or tunnel opening) and added to the image of sky and clouds. Immediately I felt a great joy and had the impression, that this was a part of God´s answer to my prayer. I felt very light, not like in the body. After that scene I woke up briefly and fell asleep again.

At some point during this extended nap (I don´t know exactly the right order of events) there was a strange encounter. There was an ominous dark creature sitting on the sofa. Without thinking twice, I lunged and grabbed it by the head. I remember that it felt horrible and I reacted with “uh how disgusting, what a small head”. That´s interesting, isn´t it? I mean, children have small heads too, there´s nothing wrong with that. But this felt and looked like aliens are often depicted, a big shriveled head sitting on a very thin neck. Horrible. I remember I immediately commanded (still in the dream): “In the name of Jesus: Disappear! Get out of here!" and the scene was over. (As a side-note, I think these so called "aliens" are demonic beings - but that doesn't matter now. It´s not the focus of this experiment.)

In the back of my mind a question had formed, that I wanted to experiment on: I had dreamt that I had intentionally moved, but my body hadn´t moved. Why did I even wonder about this, I mean, it’s totally normal when dreaming, isn´t it? Well, I guess I was in a special state of mind, my soul/spirit being very active and inquisitive. I simply wanted to know more about it.

So, lying down I physically turned to my right side and folded my hands, remembered my sleeping position and fell asleep again.

Asleep I immediately turned onto my back as planned, and opened my eyes. I was still laying on my side! But it had felt so real!

Then I really wanted to know and rolled to the fringe (probably asleep again!) until I dropped myself onto the ground right next to the sofa. I remember a slight astonishment as I didn´t feel any impact, I had somehow landed gently. But, touching and sensing with my hands showed, that was really the solid, smooth parquet. To test it further, I spread my arms, touched and felt the ground with my body, with the intention of remembering that feeling. To check back on whether my body had moved, I forced myself to open my eyes again. That was kind of difficult, it took me some willpower and time.

When my eyes were open, I checked and – to my utter amazement(!) - I was still lying on the sofa, on my side, hands folded. My body hadn´t moved at all! Of course, on the one hand that is not strange at all, but on the other hand, the totally “real” feeling, purposeful moving, probing the floor and checking back on the body, that was unusual.

I immediately dozed off again. This time I robbed over the floor, and it went very easy, then I got quicker as if I had an automatic drive. I thought to myself, this is cool, if that is going so well, I´m feeling so light, I might just as well fly. I did a few swimming movements on the floor and lifted myself up in the air in the living room and did a few laps. I saw that I had a rope fastened to my foot. The other end of the rope was attached somewhere in direction of the sofa or body (I didn´t clearly see that), so I wouldn't fly away (I realized that). It felt like a safety rope, but also as a limitation. The rope looked just like a normal, strong jute rope.

In between, the scenery changed, the room was no longer the living room at home, but years earlier, living with my parents at home, then on a vacation, then with relatives. These impressions were very fleeting, it reminds me of a theater in which the scenery is changed by moving some pictures on the stage. I consider this to be the “usual” form of dreaming, quickly going through memories and pictures.

My experiment wasn´t finished yet. After a while I woke up again and noticed I was still lying on the side, my hands folded (of course). Again, I fell asleep. This time I dreamed that my husband came into the living room, sat down briefly, touched me on the head or shoulder and sat down at the dining table. In my dream, I told him briefly what I was experiencing and said something like "help me". Later, when I was awake (at last), I actually wasn´t sure if he had been in the living room or not and asked him. He hadn´t been there.

I had slept on and off for more than two hours and needed a coffee to get fully awake. When I got up, I noticed that my body was indeed much heavier in reality.  

My own interpretation

The outcome of the dream experiment is: In spite of all this feeling very real, I hadn´t physically moved. I planned and went through these movements consciously and compared them to my physical sleeping position.
Conjecture: We are not merely physical beings, or simply live in our brain/mind, but have a real spirit/soul personality. In a certain state of deep relaxation, which can be caused by alcohol, sleeping pills, or very deep sleep (exhaustion?), the spirit-soul can easily detach from the body.

In my experience there are two different types of dream state: the normal, pure "processing" in the brain, which leads to more or less fleeting dreams in which one situation quickly replaces the other like pictures. Then, there is that other stage in which the spirit/soul is wide “awake” and actually can plan and experience things in a very real way, so that in our feeling and perception, it is impossible to distinguish that from “real life”. Afterwards, of course, our rational mind knows, whether it was a dream or physical experience, by a) knowing the circumstances under which or happened (for example, being sound asleep) and b) taking into account the laws of nature (for example, you can´t fly in the living room, no matter how nice your swim style is).

It was interesting that immediately after falling asleep, the “activity” started exactly from my physical position. From lying on my back, in my dream, I intentionally sat up (first time), or rolled myself out of the sofa onto the floor (second time). All the while being very sure, feeling and “knowing” I was doing these things.

In my interpretation my soul/spirt really moved out of my body. "I" (the real I) was really “doing” things while the dozing body was quite secondary.

Even while dreaming, I noticed the differences to the physical world. Instead of crashing to the ground, which would have been expected, I noticed I landed softly (and wondered about it immediately). This floating movement, the way I came down, was quite unknown to me.

I remember it was very difficult for me to open my physical eyes. Maybe that is because the "inner" eyes (of the spirit-soul) were already open, and the body was a whole distance "away". It took me a lot of willpower and effort to do this, forcing myself to wake up.

All of this reminds me of stories people tell who died during surgery or had a near-death-experience. They floated through the ceiling and were able to watch everything from above, even in different rooms at the same time. They observe the doctors doing something concerning their body, but at the same time feel totally and strangely “complete”. The body is hardly recognized as their own and hardly matters. Sometimes, after floating through the ceiling, there are special experiences between heaven and earth which can be very individually different. I like those experiences where they meet angels or Jesus and are sent back, because someone prays intensively for them or their time has simply not yet come. See experience of Frank Breido: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTvcVaaRgRw&t=221s
My older dream experiences

Dream experiences during my youth


I would like to add two more dream experiences I had when I was about 13 years old.

I learned to “fly” in my dreams, step by step, practicing every night. At first some inches above the ground, then a few meters, all in breaststroke swimming style. My flying adventures went further and further until I had many encounters, somewhere between earth and heaven. I met angels who spoke to me about things I didn´t remember afterwards, it was a mystery. It always ended with a friendly “you must go back now”. Shortly afterwards I “dropped” back into my body (a strange feeling).

When this special period of time was over, I forgot about flying. Many years later I tried again in my dreams and while I was still able to “fly” with a great effort, I was out of balance and bumped against trees and got stuck in hedges, exactly like you would learn a sport and then get out of practice. That was very funny, I remember being amused about this even in my dream. After some nights of practicing I was in a better shape for flying again.

Heavenly encounters

The best thing happened when I was about 13, I remember this in detail as if it had happened yesterday. Spiritually I had just decided to dedicate my life to Jesus (it was the year of my confirmation) and during one of my heavenly “dreaming trips”, I was escorted to a beautiful place and greeted by several angels and Jesus. I remember I wondered who is who. I wasn´t able to tell as they were all dressed in white robes and standing together in groups. There was a wonderful grand marble floor with a square, deep pool filled with bright, warm light. I was allowed to jump into that pool. I went in head-first and took a big swim stroke. I was immersed in that light, like in a wonderful fluid, it was an incredibly strong experience of power, joy and love. I immediately knew, that this was God´s presence, the Holy Spirit. From that day on, I was very strengthened in my faith and spiritually a whole step forward.


The spirit/soul, the actual personality, whatever one would like to call it, really exists, even independently of the body. In a dream state, this spirit/soul can move away from the body, but remains connected. In "death" the soul/spirit is usually separated from the body irrevocably and finally moves into the higher dimensions. Since this is the actual and real “Me” or "person" (even without the body), one might not even notice this, or perceive it as a loss. 

Biblical Reference:

King James Bible

2. Corinth. 12

Paul's Revelation

It is not expedient for me doubtless to glory. I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord. I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) such an one caught up to the third heaven. And I knew such a man, (whether in the body, or out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) How that he was caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter. Of such an one will I glory: yet of myself I will not glory, but in mine infirmities.

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